Saturday, October 26, 2013

One of the biggest scandals surrounding Obamacare is getting little or no media coverage. If you are one of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American citizens who received a notice from your insurance company telling you that your coverage has been terminated because it no longer meets the New "Affordable Healthcare Act" mandatory minimum requirements you are out of luck and are actually a criminal. Not only are you a criminal for not having health insurance but you will remain so until the government website is up and running.
  If you are unable to afford to purchase coverage that meets the new standards and you get injured or become seriously ill before the government gets its act together you are going to have to pay the entire cost out of your own pocket. So much for making sure every American has affordable and accessible healthcare and insurance. 
  I don't think this administration does anything by accident and this is no exception, they, I believe, 'created' this so-called crisis to exploit it.
  Because of who Obama is and those who are propping him up are and what they believe I offer another of my "conspiracy theories"; All across the country people are losing their health insurance coverage and the web site for Obamacare, I believe, was never supposed to work from the beginning. CBS News did a story about the massive number of people all across the country who are signing up for Medicaid. What is Medicaid? A single payer system of healthcare paid for by the taxpayers of states with 'some' federal funding that covers everything from hemorrhoids to abortion.
  Call me what ever you want, but until I am proven wrong, I will never believe that this whole thing was a glitch, error, screw up or an unforeseen problem, it was is and will continue to be just one more "Diversion" from what is really happening. Progressives have one thing on their schedule and that is the destruction of capitalism and western values.  
  Soon and very soon those who voted for Democrats will see that they are no more than useful idiots being used by the elite ruling class to destroy America while draining their voters personal wealth. I pray that those who have been deceived by their representatives do not turn violent because that too is part of the Progressive playbook. They have been planning this 'take over' for a hundred years and have learned from their past mistakes. The ONLY way to defeat Progressivism is to use the system the Founding Fathers gave us and to refuse to be politically correct when it comes to exposing their agenda.
  Political correctness is one of the most powerful propaganda tools developed and deployed by the Progressive machine. They will scream and demand from conservatives an end to everything that exposes them for what they actually are. For example the President is without any doubt forcing Marxist policies on America but no one would dare to call him a Marxist because that would be deemed unacceptable behavior. When a Republican shouted out during the State Of The Union address saying "You Lie" when the President said Obamacare would not provide healthcare for illegals he was slammed by the media and demonized by the press, even though he was right.
  Now look at what Progressives have said about Republicans and Tea Party members. We have been called terrorists, Jihadist, anarchist, Nazi's, children haters, women haters, environmental terrorists, KKK members and just about everything else that Progressives actually are. Very few, if any, in public office will stand and fight against these evil people so it is up to individuals like myself to do what we can to expose who they really are and stop their agenda in our sphere of influence. I vow to keep speaking out against Progressivism until it is exposed and destroyed or I am dead!

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