Tuesday, December 31, 2013

  "Children oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, can't you see what fools your rulers are? They are leading you down a pretty garden path to destruction." This verse of scripture from Isaiah 3 came up during a conversation with my favorite redneck the other day and I have not been able to get it out of my mind so I think I need to say what I have been thinking.

  Progressives will use any means necessary to further their agenda. It is also obvious that the Progressive agenda is to gain complete control over the lives of everyone except those in their elite circle. There is overwhelming evidence that the playbook being used by Progressives to achieve control comes from a book entitled “Rules For Radicals” written by Saul Alinsky. Mr. Alinsky, a radical 1960’s activist, dedicated this book to Lucifer a.k.a. the Devil. It is worth noting that while President Obama was teaching in a university Rules For Radicals was part of his teaching curriculum. 

  I think anyone who read Rules For Radicals and has been watching the tactics of Progressive politicians can easily recognize what is taking place. Progressives have chosen a target, low information voters, and are focused on feeding them enough to make them come back for more but never giving all the facts.

   My mind sometimes goes in strange directions and I hope this is making some sense. To me the verse of scripture I began this with is key to understanding what is being done to us as a nation and how it is happening is defined in Alinsky’s book.

  Progressives understand that Americans are by nature a compassionate people who have fought and died for the rights of others in many parts of the world. They also understand that there are two specific groups of people that we are particularly defensive of; women and children. Everything Progressives have pushed on society has been done in the name of the children or for women’s rights.  

   When this current monstrosity of a law called the “Affordable Care Act” was being pushed down America’s throat it was “for the children” and women and anyone who opposed the bill was demonized as a woman or child hater who cared only about their own political career. Democrats shamelessly continue to hold ‘press conferences’ or speak from the floor of Congress and spew lies about Republican policies while in fact the legislation they propose will have catastrophic effects on our economy which will hurt the people they claim to represent. The truth is the only people they represent are themselves and their political careers.  

  To compound the danger of the propaganda being released by the Democrats, and by many Republican Progressives, the media has given their agenda a bully pulpit called “the evening news”. Americans are starved for truth and those who are supposed to hold government accountable to them have betrayed their duty to a free society.

  Women and children are being used by Progressive and Marxist politicians to undermine our republic. In effect children are running the country and women are ruling over the people. When Hillary Clinton said “it takes a village to raise a child” she planted the seed for what is happening to us now. Just a few months ago a reporter for one of this administrations propaganda outlets, NBC news, reaffirmed Hillary’s statement by saying our children are really not our own but belong to the government.

  In 2014 conservatives must turn out to the polls and support candidates who are not afraid to confront the Progressive machine with truth and refuse to capitulate on principle. Men like Senator Ted Cruz who actually believe that their campaign promise is a promise that they are bound by honor to deliver on must be elected and then supported by us. It does not matter which party a candidate belongs to, however I don’t understand how anyone who loves the United States could ever align themselves with the Democrat label, if they hold the Constitution as the supreme law of the land they should get our vote.

  Most people do not understand how Progressives operate and we are obligated to educate as many people as possible by exposing the lies being fed to us by the media and politicians. If we continue to allow Progressives to control the narrative we will continue to lose elections and America will be destroyed.

 One example of how to take the conversation back with truth was seen when Ted Cruz was interviewed by a biased ‘news reporter’ who asked if he would admit that shutting the government down was a mistake. Senator Cruz did not let the reporter advance the lie and came back with, ‘it was definitely a mistake for the President and Harry Reid to shut it down by refusing to negotiate with Republicans’. It is critical thinking like this and common sense (though it’s not very common any more) that must be exercised by those we nominate and vote for. When Progressives are confronted with truth they first begin to try reiterating the lie and when it is confronted the second time they go immediately into demonizing their opponent. When they begin to demonize their argument falls apart and support for their cause diminishes.

  In 2014 make a conscious effort to listen to every word you hear a politician say and quickly respond to them when possible. In addition to, and very likely more important than listening to the words of politicians, pay very close attention to the conversations around you and when you hear Progressive “talking points” being repeated, tactfully enter the conversation and speak the truth in a non-offensive and enlightening way. It only takes a few times of exposing deception being portrayed as truth to wake people up to the agenda being imposed on us.

  SAVING AMERICA depends on the involvement of Conservative Constitutionalists in the market place and in local government. We can turn America around if we pray for her and participate in the process of governing the republic.  

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