Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Airplane Nuke Part 5


  This is the name of a Chinese Muslim terror group that is guilty of mass murder in several recent terror attacks in China, "Uighur" - pronounced 'Wee-Ger', we had some of these guys in Gitmo and released them because they were deemed “not to be a threat because they do not have a reputation of violence.”

  It seems strange (not really) that John Brennan, our top intelligence guy under (P)-resident Obama, said emphatically, the day after the plane was reported missing, that terrorism played no part of flight 370 disappearing.

 The fact that two Iranians were known to have boarded the aircraft using stolen passports, that their passports were bought at the same place and time and that their tickets were bought by the same person just minutes apart apparently gave no indication of anything nefarious to Malaysian security or the security officials in the destination country, China.

  In addition to the two Iranians boarding the aircraft with stolen passports, at least one known Chinese Uighur was also on board. Of course having at least one known member of a violent Muslim terror group that had just murdered dozens of people in a train station and two Iranians traveling on stolen passports was nothing that would raise a red flag to any security or intelligence agency (sarcasm intended!).

  Now, one has to ask why would our “top” security guy (the same one who continuously lies under oath about who the Muslim Brotherhood is, calls Jerusalem by the most insulting name possible to the Jews, and who refuses to call Islamic Jihad terrorism) come out so soon and declare that Islamic terrorism played no part in the missing flight.

  Here is what we have been told by authorities involved in the investigation of flight 370 that can be verified; 1) its missing 2) there were two Iranians using stolen passports on board 3) the tickets for those Iranians were booked by the same person just minutes apart 4) there was ‘at least’ one member of an Islamic terror group on board 5) the Chinese gave detailed misleading information about debris from a crash site 2,500 miles East of flight 370’s last ‘known’ location 6) Malaysian authorities gave conflicting information about the flight and the crew 7) the pilot was a ‘political fanatic’ who the day before was photographed wearing a T-shirt that said “Democracy Is Dead” 8) the pilot’s family moved the day before the flight and 9) the politician the pilot supported was jailed the day before the flight.

  Here is something that those same authorities involved in the investigation have not told us but has been verified; 1) there were 20 individuals on board who worked for a Texas company named ‘Freescale Semiconductor’ 2) all 20 were working on technology that involved aviation navigation, weapons technology, and stealth technology that would make aircraft invisible by blocking radar 3) all 20 were experts in their field.

 Why would this information be revealed by Freescale but not by the authorities investigating the disappearance? Was there hardware or software onboard the plane that was tried and tested that some of the countries I mentioned knew about and wanted? Do those same countries also want those 20 individuals to be working for them? Who would benefit from the technology but would not want anyone to know they were in possession of it? Why has no terror group done what they always do and take credit for it? (the Uighurs did say it was their group that carried it out just hours after the incident happened but it was quickly discounted by authorities which speaks volumes to my conspiratorial mind….).

  Everything in this ‘mystery’ points to what I believe is a multinational conspiracy to cause mass destruction in one of two countries or both; America and Israel.

  If you read the first 4 posts I wrote about flight 370 you know what I believe is coming, and I believe every fact in this post supports my hypothesis. Time will tell if I am right or not.

  Every day that passes new information is revealed that shows, in my simple mind, one of two things; 1) the governments involved in investigating flight 370, including the American government, are completely incompetent and disconnected from the reality of the sophistication modern terror organizations 2) they are completely aware and are complicit in the disappearance and are guilty of what I have written.

 Personally I believe that option number 2 is correct and that there is a global strategy being rolled out that will, in the words of (P)-resident Obama, “Fundamentally Transform” the world. I cannot help but think that, with the exception of ‘stopping the rise of the oceans’, we are witnessing the fulfillment of what Obama promised he would do while he was selling his “Hope and Change” message to the world during his first campaign for the Presidency.

  God help us…..

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