Saturday, March 8, 2014

Christianity vs. Christian

 I have been in several conversations over the last four or five months with people who have a perception of what it means to be a Christian. It is also quite obvious through those conversations that they have no Biblical or personal knowledge of what it means to be a Christian either.

 Progressives have been very successful at diluting and polluting the Biblical description of Christianity and Christians in general. The most common statement I hear from people is “If that is what your God is like”, followed by something similar to ‘then I want no part of Him’. The very statement reveals a lack of the intimate knowledge of God or of Christianity.

 To set the record straight Christianity is not what most people, including many Christians think.  Christianity is a world view not a religion. It is the way a person views the state of the world and it forms their reaction to world events.

  To be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with the One True and Living God. It is impossible to be a Christian without that personal relationship, and it is just as impossible to have a “true” Biblical world view without it.

  It should come as no surprise to a believer when they hear people react to seemingly harsh words that sound judgmental to them; it is the result of being taught, or in some cases indoctrinated into what is known as a social gospel.

  The biggest problem with the ‘social gospel’ that most people have been taught by liberal denominations, the secular media and popular culture is that people now believe only that God is a God of love.

 As a result of 50-75 years of only hearing of His love the nominal believer or God-fearer believes that love is Gods highest attribute, and it is not. His highest attribute is Holiness, and it is from His Holiness which all other attributes flow. People have been programed to believe that God will hold no one accountable and that He is only capable of loving and forgiving man even without his asking to be forgiven. They never hear about Judas or the scripture that says Jacob I loved but Esau I hated.

  As we enter what I believe are the final stages of the battle for the soul of America it is absolutely necessary to understand the Holiness of God and to have a Biblical view of that battle. The battle in the natural realm for the soul of this republic is taking place in the political arena.

  When someone picks a person to vote for they are saying that this person represents who I am and I condone and support his views on the issues of the day. They are your ambassadors to the body politic and you will be directly responsible for their votes after they assume office.

 Though no man or political party is perfect it is still the right and responsibility of every citizen to vote from an informed position and to make every effort to contact their representative to find out where they stand on the most crucial issues facing and shaping society.

  Issues like where one stands, personally, on the issue of life and marriage and on the right to keep and bear arms are the basic rights to be protected in America. These issues must be known about every person running for a public service position from dog catcher to president.

We cannot allow the progressives to control the narrative; we must know what we believe and why we believe it or we will lose the argument.

  The choice for Christians could not be easier to discern. The Democratic/Progressive platform is openly anti-American and a disgrace to everything the founders stood for. It calls for abortion on demand including late term and partial birth abortion, it embraces sodomy as an acceptable alternative lifestyle and that it should be presented as such to very young children in public schools. It endorses taxpayer funded abortion, more and stricter gun control, it is openly anti-Israel and the fact that any mention of God was left out of its platform speaks volumes as to the Godlessness of their party. I contend that a Christian cannot vote for a democrat and remain in Gods favor.

  Those who would have us become some 1st century Rome-like society by promoting a social gospel are promoting their Socialist ideology at a fever pitch. They have combined Socialist, Marxist, Communist and Islamic ideology to put a strangle hold on the moral standards of America and they must be stopped.

  With every day that passes we see more boldness from our domestic enemies and a complacent population allowing them to set the agenda. We have got to arise and be heard with boldness, determination and continually until the population awakens to the threat and begins to join the fight to achieve the goal of SAVING AMERICA. Though we face a ruthless enemy we must speak the truth in love with the knowledge that the heart of God is that none would be lost; “For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.”

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