Thursday, March 27, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 10

  Every government involved with the "Search" for flight 370 and all the media outlets covering the 'search' are still trying to convince everyone that satellite technology can't zoom in and see what is floating in the ocean even though we know they can read a book from 100 miles in space.

They have been saying how rough the waters in the Indian Ocean are and that after 3 weeks there would still be large sections of the aircraft still afloat and a debris field still relatively close together. Search planes are being scrambled to search for floating objects that nations like China and Taiwan say they have spotted from their satellites, and we know how "helpful" the Chinese were early on in the disappearance. They are insulting our intelligence and causing tremendous grief to the families of the passengers by stringing out this faux investigation.

There has not been one story to follow up on Boeing's statement that the engine's transponders showed that the plane was in Pakistan or on the claim that General McInerney had that he has evidence from credible sources that it is in a Taliban controlled area of Northern Pakistan. The general went on to say he also has reason to believe that our government is/was aware of the location of the plane.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Boeing 777 is being fitted as a weapon and will be used against us and that our government will act as though they were clueless. I am not suggesting that I believe our government would actually bomb a U.S. city (Operation Northwoods....) but when President Obama said he was concerned about a nuclear bomb being detonated in Manhattan one has to wonder if he was doing what Progressives often do; they leak information before being caught in a scandal i.e. Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal.
 Well on second thought I may well be suggesting that the feds might blow up a few million people to advance their agenda. I mean if they nuked a few million people it would help with their population control agenda, N.Y.C. being empty would dramatically reduce the "Carbon Foot Print" and the surrounding areas with tens of thousands of people suffering from radiation poisoning would drastically increase enrolment in Obama Care. It sounds crazy but if you compare the Iranian position on destroying Israel and Progressives campaign to destroy western capitalism they are remarkably similar; both are willing to sacrifice as many of the 'little people' as necessary to achieve the goals.  
 When this happens, and I do mean when, we must remember who is at the helm and hold them accountable. We must not allow any government official in any intelligence agency or Homeland Security to go free from prosecution, even if only for incompetence.

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