Monday, March 31, 2014

On October 1st 2013 the "Affordable Care Act" officially became the law of the land. In the months following it was estimated that between 4 and 7 million people were dropped from their insurance policies meaning that as many as 21 million people became uninsured (there were 4 to 7 million policies canceled meaning families not just individuals were dropped). On Friday of last week the President touted 6 million enrollees to the ACA. New estimates are that there will be somewhere between 30 and 35 million people left uninsured after the ACA is fully implemented in 2016.

Not surprisingly the government has all the information about the number of enrollees except how many of the 6 million are newly insured, how many were previously insured but had their policies dropped because of the ACA, how many have paid their premiums, how many have actually enrolled and not just 'visited the web site to shop', how many are those with preexisting conditions that will be using their coverage immediately, or how many are in the 'healthy bracket' that will be crucial to paying for the sick who have signed up with immediate needs.

When Democrats drafted and passed the ACA (without ever having read it) they said it was to provide insurance for ALL Americans. They said it was for "the poor and the children", and that it was time for America to do the right thing and that it was a "human right" for all Americans to have health care. According to their own stats they have failed to accomplish their "Stated Goal" of providing health care for every American.

As I have said many times before, Progressives never intended to provide healthcare, they intended to redistribute wealth and to take more control of our lives. Their "Stated Goal" and their actual goal are as far apart as the East is from the West. Their goal was, is and shall always be a "Single Payer 'System'" which gives the elite complete control of everyone's healthcare and a very huge percentage of the U.S. economy. Everything, without exception, EVERYTHING Progressives do and say is for more control of our lives. Progressivism is the greatest threat to America with the "possible" exception of fundamental Islam and they must both be exposed and stopped now!

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